Tewksbury Historical Society was established on February 19, 1989. The Society is organized exclusively to further research
into and the preservation and dissemination of the history of the Township of Tewksbury, Hunterdon County, New Jersey.
The Tewksbury Historical Society is a not-for-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code 501
(c) (3). The Society was incorporated as a New Jersey not-for-profit corporation on January 9, 1992 and is a NJ registered
An 11 member Executive Board governs the Society. This Board is made up of four officers who are elected
by the membership for two-year terms and the appointed chairs of standing committees. This Executive Board conducts all
of the Society’s affairs as per the Society’s bylaws.
2025-2026 OFFICERS
Shaun C. Van Doren-- President Joan Umholtz -- Vice President Alice F. Walters -- Secretary Pete Peterson -- Treasurer STANDING COMMITTEES/CHAIRS Archivist - George Cassa Art Show - Open Barn & Garden Tours - Wolfgang Meyer Hospitality - Martha Wrede Membership
- Barbara Cipolla Oral History - Stephanie Koven Property - Harold Wrede PROGRAMS
& EVENTS The Society holds a number of meetings, events and programs throughout the year for you to attend and enjoy. General membership meetings are usually held on a Sunday in the months of January, March, and May, with
a covered dish supper held in November. An informative program and lecture follows the meeting.
Sales - Sat. May 3, 2025 & Sat. August 30, 2025 -- 8 am to 4 pm at the Oldwick Carriage House, rain or shine. The Tewksbury Garden Tour is held in June of every odd numbered year and consists of tours of the exterior
gardens of Tewksbury properties and landscapes. The Tour will return on June 21, 2025.
June of every even numbered year, the Society, in partnership with the Tewksbury Trail Association, sponsor the Tewksbury
Barn Tour. Barns include new and old, working and dormant, and those still maintaining livestock. The Tewksbury Barn
Tour will return in June 2026. The Tewksbury Art Show & Sale is the Society's largest fundraiser. It
brings many members and volunteers together to register over 100 artists from New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut
who enter over 300 pieces of art, all of which is for sale. The next Art Show will in October 2025. Holiday
Gift Sale - a weekend in December, which for 2025 will be on Sat. Dec. 13 10 am to 4 pm & Sun. Dec. 14 12 pm to 4 pm at
the Oldwick Carriage House. HEADQUARTERS Society Headquarters is located at 60
Water Street in Mountainville. We're in a portion of the old Municipal Building/Mountainville Meeting Hall, which we lease
from the Township of Tewksbury. Currently our Headquarters is open by appointment. The current
displays are on the Rockaway Valley Railroad, the restored Stryker Dollhouse,and original vintage wines from the former
Tewksbury Winery. Call us at 908-832-6734 to schedule an appointment. The Society acquired the former
Township Garage at 5 James Street in Oldwick having restored the exterior to its former carriage house design and renamed
it the Oldwick Carriage House. Currently the Society uses it for its furniture and large item archives and a storage
facility for all of its fundaising supplies and signage as well as where we hold our Tag Sales, Holiday Sales and Board meetings. In
2019 the Society acquired 49 Old Turnpike Road with future plans to have as its headquarters, offices and display space.
Check back for future updates.
Stryker Dollhouse |

An exact replica of the former Stryker Home in Oldwick. Part of the Society's permanent collection. |
Stryker Dollhouse |

An exact replica of the former Stryker Home in Oldwick. Part of the Society's permanent collection. |
Tewksbury Throw |
Tewksbury Throws Available for Purchase - $ 45 each |
Tag Sale Collecting Has
Begun Do you have items you want to donate for the May 3 Tag
Sale? Call Society
HQ 908-832-6734. Leave your name & phone #. We will return your call to schedule a drop off date & time. Do NOT Just Drop Off Items at our Locations Unscheduled. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ History of WILDFAIR - 2025 Mansion in May by Historian W. Barry Thomson Sunday, April 6,
2025 - 2 pm Zion Lutheran Christian Education Building 18 Miller Avenue, Oldwick (Corner Church
Street & Miller Avenue) No
pre-registration required; open to the public! Refreshments will be served. OUR EMAIL ADDRESS IS: tewksburynjhistory@gmail.com TEWKSBURY ITEMS FOR SALE The Society has the following items for sale:
Art Show Note Cards 12 cards & envelopes - $ 20/pk Churches Notecards 10
cards & envelopes - $ 15/pk Afghans - Navy
Blue,Cranberry, Hunter Green & Multi-color - 2 designs $ 45 each Tewksbury Auto Tour Booklet
- $ 10 each Historic Notes on Fairmount,
NJ by Freeman Leigh Softcover - $ 25
Hardcover - $ 40 Oldtime Days in Mountainville Softcover - $ 30 Tewksbury post cards (re-prints) - $ 2/pk (8) A River Runs Through Tewksbury color pen & ink print of Tewksbury's roadway system by artist Lib Ryman. Limited
edition of 500 Artist
signed - $ 35 Unsigned - $ 25 Matted - $ 95 PRINTS OF HISTORIC VILLAGES AVAILABLE
Prints of Califon,
Pottersville and Mountainville by Linda Jean - $ 75 each.
Matted prints of Califon, Mountainville & Pottersville - $ 140 each Artist Proof Prints of Mountainville, signed by lifelong Mountainville resident Charles Burrell $ 85 each. Print of New Germantown from
Beer's Atlas, unframed -
$ 15 Print of Tewksbury from Beer's Atlas, unframed - $ 15 Pair of Prints (New Germantown
& Tewksbury) from Beer's Atlas, unframed - $ 25 Pair of Prints (New Germantown & Tewksbury), framed - $ 50 We can ship most of the above items for a fee. Go to the Forms page and download an order form. The Tewksbury Historical Society P.O.
Box 457 Oldwick, NJ 08858 Phone: 908-832-6734
Oldwick Carriage
House (GPS): 5 James Street Oldwick, NJ 08858 Society Headquarters (GPS): 60 Water Street, Lebanon, NJ 08833 2025 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 36th
Annual Meeting - CANCELLED Sunday, January 19, 2025 1:00 PM Zion Lutheran Christian Education Building 18
Miller Ave., Oldwick Arnold Mercer - Toy Trains in America 36th Annual Meeting Sunday, March
16 @ 1 pm Meeting Chris Teasdale - History
of Hell Mountain Zion Lutheran Christian Education Building 18 Miller Ave., Oldwick Sun. Apil 6 @ 2 pm Barry Thomson presents WILDFAIR - Mansion in May Site Zion Lutheran Christian Education Building 18 Miller Ave., Oldwick Saturday, May 3 Oldwick Tag Sale 8 am to 4 pm, rain or shine Oldwick Carriage House
5 James Street Sunday, May 18
@ 1 pm Sherlock Homes, the Old House Detective, Looks for Clues
to a House’s History by Jeffrey Marshall Zion Lutheran Christian Education Building 18 Miller Ave., Oldwick Saturday, June 21 Tewksbury Garden Tour* 10 am to 3 pm,
rain or shine Saturday, June 28 900
am League of Historical Societies of NJ - Summer Meeting* Zion Lutheran Christian Education Building 18 Miller Ave., Oldwick Saturday, August 30 Tag Sale 8 am to 4
pm, rain or shine Oldwick
Carriage House 5 James Street 33rd
Tewksbury Art Show* October 3 thru October 11 Zion Lutheran Christian Education Building 18 Miller Ave., Oldwick Sunday, November 9 - 5 pm Covered Dish Supper & Program History of Toy Trains in America by Arnold Mercer Zion Lutheran Christian Education Bldg. 18
Miller Ave Oldwick Saturday, December
6 10 am - 4 pm Christmas Antique Show RETURNS - One Day Only Old Turnpike School 173 Old Turnpike Road Califon Saturday, December 13 Holiday Gift Sale 10 am to 4 pm Oldwick Carriage House 5 James Street Sunday December 14 Holiday Gift Sale 12 pm to 4 pm Oldwick Carriage House 5 James Street All
general membership meetings are free and open to the public. In case of inclement weather check back to this website or call 908-832-6734 for further details. *Note: Some events have a ticket cost or admission fee* Membership Join
or Renew Today
Individual $ 25 Family $ 40 Sustainer $ 100 Life Membership $ 500